Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Training log post

Here is a quick training log of my own personal training yesterday.

- I started with some segmented tension and full body tension work only instead of laying on my back i laid on my front. I found this more challenging and harder to tense up the body as a whole unit.
- I then moved into doing 7 of each the core exercises with full body tension and then with moderate tension, then with minimal muscular activation then with no muscle.
I'm just starting to get the no muscle work now, but i still feel like i may be using too much tension.
- I then started doing a drill where you tense your fists slightly and roll, move around and fall while keeping your fists slightly tense. This is to add fullness and power to your hands while dynamically relaxing your shoulders, arms and the rest of your body.
- I finished with walking up the wall on my fists, facing forwards and backwards and then sideways.
I also did this with straight arms.
- i then moved onto the floor and did some wrist exercises, where you start in push up position and you collapse your wrist one side then go back up then repeat the other side + many more variations of this.

Total time - 40 mins

Have fun

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